About Fifth Hammer


Before Fifth Hammer, there
was Microbe.

When each of us (Ryan, Dave, and Spencer) joined Microbe Formulas, we knew we were embarking on a unique journey. We were part of a startup team passionate about creating innovative solutions for the life sciences industry. In addition, we were committed to building a company that was inclusive, diverse, and focused on putting people first.

As part of the leadership team, we worked tirelessly to scale the company to a staggering annual sales of $50M in just over four years. This was no easy feat and required a lot of hard work, dedication, and strategic thinking. Nevertheless, we
were constantly looking for ways to innovate and differentiate ourselves in a crowded market, and we were able to build a brand that people trusted.

Then, five years after starting the company, we received an offer to sell for $200M. Again, this was a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone on the team. We had built something truly special and were proud of what we had accomplished.

The selling process was a whirlwind of activity. However, we had built a company attractive to potential buyers, and we were confident in our ability and that of our team to negotiate a fair deal. We worked closely with our legal team and financial advisors to ensure the sale went smoothly and successfully closed the deal.

In the end, selling Microbe Formulas was bittersweet. We were sad to say goodbye to a company we had poured so much into, but we were also excited to see what the future holds. We knew we had built something truly special, and we were confident that the new owners would continue building on our legacy of innovation and growth.

Looking back on our experience building and selling Microbe Formulas, we are proud of what we accomplished and are excited to see how other companies will learn from our experience.
When each of us (Ryan, Dave, and Spencer) joined Microbe Formulas, we knew we were embarking on a unique journey. We were part of a startup team passionate about creating innovative solutions for the life sciences industry. In addition, we were committed to building a company that was inclusive, diverse, and focused on putting people first.

Now we have turned our attentions toward sharing that experience with other leaders through Fifth Hammer.

At Fifth Hammer, we celebrate the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make each of us unique. We started this company because we believe that embracing these imperfections can lead to unparalleled creativity and success. We’re here to help unlock your company’s full potential by harnessing the power of imperfection. Our goal is to help you grow not only as a business, but as individuals and teams as well. Let us guide you on a journey towards building a stronger, more resilient organization that can thrive in today’s ever-evolving business world. We’re sorry if we sound like cheesy motivational speakers, but we’re really passionate about this stuff!

What is the selling process behind a 200M exit?

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Pythagoras and the Fifth Hammer

Meet the Unconventional Growth Experts of Fifth Hammer

Pythagoras and the Fifth Hammer
Ryan Riley
Intentional Disruptor
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Pythagoras and the Fifth Hammer
Dave Huffman
Innovative Creative
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Pythagoras and the Fifth Hammer
Spencer Matthews
Growth Enthusiast
View Bio →

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